Servants take their vows on the feast day of St. John Eudes

The Eudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour made their vows this year on August 19th, the feast day of St. John Eudes.

The private ceremony was held in the chapel in the convent, Sister Anne Marie tells us. “Because of the CoronaVirus, we still could not have a large group.” There were only ten people in attendance, including the priest, the sisters and two candidates, and the photographer.

“We all agreed, and some of us have done this for many years, it was one of the most meaningful celebrations we’ve had. I think it’s because it was so quiet,” Sister Anne Marie says, and added, “It was very, very special.”

Father Zibi, as he is known by the Sisters, is the Vicar of Religious of the Archdiocese of Tijuana, and he celebrated the vows this year with the Servants. Sister Viola tells us how the vows take place. The priest’s role is to first receive (or listen to) Sister Viola’s vows. Once he has received vows from her, she, in turn, receives the vows from the rest of the Sisters.

Two candidates accepted their vocation and professed their first vows as Eudist Servants on the feast day of St. John Eudes. Sister Lourdes and Sister Ann Gertrude, the two newest members of the Association, are loved by the other Servants. Bringing their own unique backgrounds and experiences to the table, the Servants are even more equipped to accomplish their mission of tending to the needs and hearts of those they serve.

After the profession of vows, Father Zibi spoke at length about Mother Antonia. “He knew her for thirty years,” Sister Anne Marie said, “he just thought the world of her…He wanted us to understand how special our Association is, that this is something that the Church does not have very much of. The Archbishop very much wants to see our Association continue, and that we should realize what we have in our vocation.”

She repeated again, “It was a very special day.”

The Servants are always seeking new candidates, and they have asked us all to join in prayer for more women to discern becoming Eudist Servants.

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