We welcome and deeply appreciate monetary donations to support the mission of the Eudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour. If the Lord has placed upon your heart the desire to make such a sacrifice, we will honor it with our efforts on behalf of the poorest of the poor. ESEH is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization.

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if you would like to donate through the app.
Make a Gift through your IRA
Donations and contributions are tax-deductible. Also consider making a gift through your IRA (Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)). The Internal Revenue Service allows individual retirement arrangement (IRA) owners age 70½ or over to donate/transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year(IR-2023-215, Nov. 16, 2023). The donation must go directly from your IRA to ESEH.
Check Donations:
- Make a check payable to “Eudist Servants of the 11th Hour” (or simply ESEH)
- If you wish your donation to go to something specific (i.e., socks, toothbrushes, etc.), that should be written on the memo line of the check.
- Please mail your check to:
PO Box 530039
San Diego, CA 92153-0039
Interested in Making a Donation?
Take a look at all the ways you can contribute to our mission!
PO Box 530039
San Diego, CA 92153-0039
Email: [email protected]
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