Eudist Servants renew their vows, March 25th, 2022

The Ceremony of Promises for the Associates and Vows for the Eudist Servants of the 11th Hour was held in the chapel at Casa Corazon de Jesus in Tijuana, Mexico on March 25th, 2022. “Los santos votos,” the “blessed vows,” are proclaimed each year by the Eudist Servants. The principal celebrant was Padre Zbigniew, known by the Servants as Father ‘Zibi.’ Padre Gerardo Lecomte con-celebrated this special ceremony with Father Zibi and the Servants. The priest’s role is to first receive (or listen to) Sister Viola’s vows. Once he has received vows from her, she, in turn, receives the vows from the rest of the Servants present. The vows are a touching reminder of the boundless love the Servants have for the poor. “Deseo servir con amor a los más pobres de mis hermanos y hermanas,” which translates to “I desire to serve with love the poorest of my brothers and sisters.” The mission and work that the Servants do throughout the United States and in Mexico is humbling and inspiring.

Associate volunteers are official volunteers and supporters of the mission of Mother Antonia and the Eudist Servants who use their unique talents to serve the poor in a number of ways. Ten Associates were present to renew their promises, committing to “a lifestyle of simplicity, humility, and sharing as proclaimed in the Gospel and in the example of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Diane Reed, an Associate of the Eudist Servants, reflects on this year’s renewal of the vows and her own promises. “There was so much light in that chapel. It feels holy, it really does. I would describe the ceremony as sacred, holy, peaceful, and contemplative.”

The Servants are always seeking new candidates, and they have asked us all to join in prayer for more women to discern becoming Eudist Servants.

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