Fall Fiesta 2022: Thank You for Your Support
As we embark further into the Advent Season, and await the coming of our Savior, let us take a moment to reflect on the abundance of blessings for which we’re so thankful. The roofs over our heads, the warm food on our tables, and the security and safety we enjoy daily are all gifts that we cannot take for granted.
‘Nuestros hermanos y hermanas’ (our brothers and sisters) in prison and the poor don’t enjoy luxuries such as these. The Eudist Servants of the Eleventh Hour dedicate their lives to serving the imprisoned and the poor, and act as Jesus would in a special way to those who need His grace and love. In order to continue their mission, the Servants rely on monthly donations and fundraisers.
The Fall Fiesta Fundraiser held on September 23rd at St. James Parish Hall in Solana Beach raised more than $80,000. The Servants of the Eleventh Hour will use these funds to directly support their mission: touching the lives of prisoners, the sick, and the poor. Generous donors funded items such as a ‘new’ used-car for the Servants’ daily travel back and forth across the border, funds to repair two of their convents in Tijuana, and funds to grant prisoners a “smile” and brighter future through dentistry donations. Blankets, medications, undergarments, and sweatshirts were among other items that donors helped fund this year. The Servants are so grateful, and were astonished at the generosity of their supporters, both new and old. Update: Casa Corazon is being painted at this time, and the car was purchased this December.

A special thanks to everyone involved in planning and executing this fundraiser. What began as a humble undertaking grew into an event of more than 250 people! Thank you to the Fiesta Committee; Jo McDonald, our amazing auctioneer; Paul and the Knights of Columbus; Mission Circle; St. James and St. Leo parishes and volunteers; St. Leo’s Women’s Group; and to Father Gerard, Father Ricardo, and all the priests who attended the event and supported the Eudist Servants’ Mission.
The Eudist Servants are so grateful for everyone who attended and supported the event. We can’t wait until next year when we’ll celebrate 20 years of the order’s official implementation and honor Mother Antonia, on the 10 year anniversary of her death.
The Servants’ needs are always great– because the poor are their greatest concern. As temperatures drop in Tijuana, the prison cells freeze and sicknesses run rampant through the prison. In order to continue serving their needs, such as the ever-necessary blankets, sweatshirts and medication, the Servants rely on the financial support of your donations throughout the year. Please consider making a donation through check, Venmo, PayPal, or by purchasing items through the Amazon Smile Wishlist.
Sister Viola reflects on the past decade, when she expressed uncertainty on whether the order would survive without Mother Antonia’s direction and inspiration. And here they are, strong and courageous as ever– continually serving the poor, the sick, and the imprisoned every day.
“It gave me such a feeling of support to have all of these people show up [giving] their talent, their time, and their money,” Sister Viola stated. She remembers being in awe the entire night. She shares, “All of our sisters put 110%, every one of them. We are surviving.” If you or anyone you know is interested in learning about life as a Eudist Servant, please visit the website under the “Becoming A Servant” tab.
To see more photos from the 2022 Fall Fiesta, please visit our website at eudistservants.org
Additionally, if you or someone you know has a skill, talent, or area of expertise to share with the Eudist Servants as a volunteer, please don’t hesitate to contact the Servants by email at [email protected]
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