Eudist Servants December Newsletter

Hello Friends of the Eudist Servants,
We greet all of you in the Name of Our Lord Jesus during this Blessed Christmas season. In addition to their normal busy schedule our Sisters add Posada, Christmas, and Epiphany celebrations. Please pray for them.
We are delighted to share some writings from our Founder, Mother Antonia as well as photos of our Servants of the Eleventh Hour and our longtime supporter John O’ Connor who recently passed into heaven. In a letter dated December 23, 1992 Mother Antonia wrote:
Dear Friends:
From my heart to your heart – from Tijuana, Baja California, to wherever you are – and in the name of the countless people your kindness has touched, we wish you a joyous Christmas filled with God’s choicest blessings for you and all who are dear to you. And to our beloved Jewish friends, we wish you a most holy and happy Hanukkah remembering that Our Lord was born among you from the House of David, and He too, lit a candle for eight days with His Holy Mother and Saint Joseph. What a beautiful thought!
“Every day is a new life for a wise man.” These words were written 300 hundred years before Our Lord was born and apply to each of us today. May everyday of the year be filled with new hopes and a renewed spirit abounding in love. God bless you.
In another writing Mother Antonia shared this prayer:
Good Morning Dear Lord
Thank You for the precious gift you have given me this morning – my life – to live fully and joyfully one more day! Please give me the grace to be kind and patient today that I may see beyond worldly appearances, so that I may encounter Your Holy Presence in each person I meet. Close my ears, dear Father, to all gossip. Seal my lips to all judgments and criticisms that my words will only bless all about me and warm the coldest heart. Let my actions be so just, my feelings be so tender, my conduct be so humble and true to Your will that throughout this day I will be a reflection of Your heavenly mercy and love. Amen.
Peace, Love and Mercy
– Mother Antonia

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