Good Morning,
Dear Lord
Thank You for the precious gift
You have given me this morning – my life – to live fully and joyfully one more day! Please give me the grace to be kind and patient today that I may see beyond worldly appearances, so that I may encounter
Your Holy Presence in each person I meet.
Close my ears, dear Father, to all gossip.
Seal my lips to all judgments and criticisms that my words will only bless all about me and warm the coldest heart.
Let my actions be so just, my feelings be so tender, my conduct be so humble and true to Your will that throughout this day I will be a reflection of
Your heavenly mercy and love. Amen
Peace, Love and Mercy
Mother Antonia
I wish that all those who recite this prayer,
with faith and filial trust, be filled with the blessing
of God, Our Merciful Father.

Monsignor Emilio Carlos Berlie Belaunzaran,

A Soldier’s Prayer
Lord, I pray for courage to go where others fear to enter. I pray for courage to conquer my temptations, worries, and weaknesses. I ask You for strength to fulfill my mission wherever or whatever it is, if it is not against Your Holy Will. Make me a loyal soldier to the orders of my superiors even when I may not be in accord with them. May I be kept ever mindful, Lord, that my uniform is a symbol of the honor of our flag and commitment and love of country. Please do not allow me to abuse others with the authority that my uniform has loaned to me. Help me feel to the marrow of my bones the most noble virtue of man – fidelity – where every soldier will encounter his honor.
Have mercy on me Lord, and give me compassion for myself in my times of suffering in the emptiness of my solitude, in the agony of my body, in the anguish of my passions, in the shame of my fears, and in the transgression of my sins. In all my sufferings bring me close to You and when I have offended You create in me “a contrite and broken heart that You will not turn away” . . . .”Against You, against You, I only sin . . . give me Your salvation.”
Psalms 51:4-17
Thank You dear Lord for my family, so sacred to me. Please help us that the distance and time that separate us unite us more in heart and soul. Do not allow anything or anybody to keep us apart.
I pray that You will protect me Lord, but first pray that You protect my family. Please cover them with the wings of angels and the prayers of saints. I ask You to protect my fellow soldiers, and that we are always united in combat and in peace. Help me, Lord, that I never forget that truth is our strongest weapon and that faith is the impenetrable shield. Thank You, my Lord, for listening to this soldier’s humble prayer. My heart is grateful for Your infinite love and mercy. Amen
Imprimatur Tijuanence, Padre Isidore Puente, 19 Feb. 2024
Courage to know and conquer my weaknesses, worries and temptations. Courage to take me where others fear to enter. I ask You for strength, of body to protect others, strength of spirit to guide others. I ask You for fidelity and conviction, for my commission, my homeland, my people and myself. Allow me to appreciate those who trust me.
Give me compassion for myself, to also give it to those who need it. Help me to leave my problems and tensions at work, to get home as a parent, spouse, sibling. Help me to remember that there is no justice without mercy. And above all I ask You, Lord, to accompany me in everything I do. Amen
“Oh my God, I trust in You.“
Our Lady of Guadalupe please put your mantle around your police sons and daughters and their families.
Thank you!
Mother Antonia Brenner
Imprimatur Tijuanence, in Calif. Merid August 15, 1989
Isidore Puente, Vic. Gen. A.1.

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