August Echoes

August Echoes Dear Friends As Fall approaches, I look back on August and we’ve had some pretty exciting things going on here in Tijuana. Our new Archbishop Francisco Moreno Barron has arrived. We attended the installation Mass and there was an elevation of cheers,...

Mealtime Echoes here in Tijuana

Mealtime Echoes here in Tijuana Besides our community prayer times and mission work, we find that the most interesting conversations happen here in Tijuana at mealtimes. We make it a point not to talk about anyone because in her talks, Mother Antonia forbid her...

Mother Judith’s Easter Message

Mother Judith’s Easter Message Dear Friends, I began writing this letter on Good Friday…Interrupted a few times so hopefully I’ll get it out tonight.We Sisters spent the last two days of devotion in the Prison. Yesterday Thurs., was the washing of the feet and...

About The Eudist Servants

About The Eudist Servants The Eudist Servants Of The Eleventh Hour is a new branch, a twig sprouting on the 400 year-old tree of the extended spiritual family of St. John Eudes, whose strong branches include the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good...

Mother Antonia Brenner

Biography of Mother Antonia Brenner Born into an Irish-Catholic family, Mary Clarke was raised in the exclusive community of Beverly Hills, California. Her father became a very successful businessman and provided well for his family. Privileged lifestyle...